Composer detected issues in your platform: Your Composer dependencies require a PHP version ">= 8.1.0". 1992 - Cleveland National Air Show 1992 - Cleveland National Air Show


Thunderbirds, US Army Golden Knights, F-117 Stealth Fighter fly-by, F-14 Tomcat demonstration,  Patty Wagstaff, Les Shockley and Jim Franklin define the “THRILL ZONE” of the 1992 event.timeline_1992-150

Delmar Benjamin performs in his Gee-Bee R2 replica.  President George H. Bush opens Saturday’s show as Air Force One (the actual 747) flies by with the President onboard.   During one performance the F-14 Tomcat was forced to land early when one afterburner was stuck in the “on” position (the engine was shut down and the aircraft landed safely).

The Cleveland National Air Show is named “Air Show of the Year” by leading trade publication World Airshow News.

Cleveland National Air Show